Waycross, Georgia

Documenting Archives

Omeka S logoWe encourage you to search our Omeka S database of vital statistics gathered from death certificates of burials in Red Hill Cemetery.

In addition to the 448 death certificates, which have already been transcribed and uploaded, we have located another 355 that list Red Hill Cemetery as the place of burial. These death certificates date between 1928 and 1943. We expect to fully transcribe and upload these over the next year.

Gathering Historical Records
In November 2019, UNF students, faculty, and staff traveled to the Okefenokee Heritage Center to document archives for the Red Hill Cemetery Project.

Laura Bullard, Micah Fisher, Nick Iorio, Francisco Mendoza, Andrew Pemberton, Katherine Vearil.

Faculty & Staff
Felicia Bevel and David Sheffler (Department of History),
and Michael Boyles (Center for Instruction and Research Technology).

Sample Death Certificates

Death Certificate for Silla West

Death Certificate for Frank Ward

Death Certificate for Louise Ware
